Forums - What do you do at the beginig of an mvc2 match ? Show all 37 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- What do you do at the beginig of an mvc2 match ? ( Posted by master ken on 07:08:2001 06:18 AM: What do you do at the begining of an mvc2 match ? When the two characters get close to each other and then you hear the word fight, what do you usualy do ? I try to do a little combo such as : down lk, down lk, assist but my opponent seems to do his combo before mine, what is the reason for that ? does he hit his botton before mine or what ? Are you safe if you jump backwards ? Posted by Damage2001 on 07:08:2001 06:20 AM: Many people Crouch block and call in a quick aaa like psyloch or cyclops, Others go for the crouch, lk assist.. What ever suites you.. watch your oponent play and take note of how he opens the match Posted by Geronimo on 07:08:2001 06:23 AM: Re: What do you do at the beginig of an mvc2 match ? quote: Originally posted by master ken When the two characters get close to each other and then you hear the word fight, what do you usualy do ? I try to do a little combo such as : down lk, down lk, assist but my opponent seems to do his combo before mine, what is the reason for that ? does he hit his botton before mine or what ? Are you safe if you jump backwards ? I like to jump back and call out an assister. This works well with Spiral/Sent., Mag./Psy., and (anyone)/Iceman, jus to name a few. Posted by master ken on 07:08:2001 06:28 AM: quote: Originally posted by Damage2001 Many people Crouch block and call in a quick aaa like psyloch or cyclops, Others go for the crouch, lk assist.. What ever suites you.. watch your oponent play and take note of how he opens the match But if you play your opponent for the first time, you never know what he is going to do. Like when people are going to face Japanese players at b5, they will play them for the first time, so they can't make any prediction. Posted by master ken on 07:08:2001 06:32 AM: Re: Re: What do you do at the beginig of an mvc2 match ? quote: Originally posted by Geronimo I like to jump back and call out an assister. This works well with Spiral/Sent., Mag./Psy., and (anyone)/Iceman, jus to name a few. This is a good idea, but just before you jump, if your opponent does a crouch lk, will he heat you ? Posted by Ouroborus on 07:08:2001 06:44 AM: pushblock Posted by Damage2001 on 07:08:2001 06:48 AM: Your very best bet would be to, not be near him to start w/ but if you are your safest and most efficient way would be to Crouch block and after the initial hit dash backwards.. If he is foolish to crouch lk then call assist,call out a quick aaa and punish him! Posted by Geronimo on 07:08:2001 06:49 AM: Re: Re: Re: What do you do at the beginig of an mvc2 match ? quote: Originally posted by master ken This is a good idea, but just before you jump, if your opponent does a crouch lk, will he heat you ? I jus hold up-back the whole time before the match starts, so its usually the first action out (in other words i dont get hit). Posted by blk_brotha on 07:08:2001 06:51 AM: durin tha beginnin of tha match your opponet alwayz tryin to run up on u so i just stand there and think in my mind (your riskin your life). all i do is hit crouchin lk, launcer and an air combo. or i run up on them call out an assist character and to a jumping lk or lp. to get a first attack, dat only work on sentinel tho. Posted by NIN_CrimzinTerry on 07:08:2001 07:21 AM: Its either I get close call anti air assist cause really he cant hurt my assist THAT bad at the start of the match or I jump back or I just sit there. You have to have the right timing to get hit in first sometimes when i use magneto and my opponent uses magneto we exchange LKs right at the beginning of the match its crazy. Posted by vaioman on 07:08:2001 07:28 AM: i either jump or i've found that if you have the joystick in a neutral position when 'fight' is announced, then you crouch and do a lk, it will usually hit earlier than you opponenet(if they aren't blocknig low or jumping) Posted by AshramTI on 07:08:2001 07:31 AM: the first match against an opponent, i usually will tap lk rapidly and hold down. this makes the opponent think i am gonna combo them and makes me appear scrubby and predictable. then when it actually starts i do a normal jump forward over the opponent while calling out an assist(doom, sent, ken, aaa works well) and usually through out a few jabs. this will either whack an opponent attempting to combo with the assist or with the jabs and allow you to safely combo into a hyper combo. if he is smart and blocks everything you will still be safe as long as you block immediately. if he jumps forward he will be hit and if he jumps back and blocks he will block your hits but you will be able to cover yourself. the only time this doesn't work safely is if our opponent anticipates or has the same idea and jumps forward with lp/lk and an assist. then it comes down to priority and assist strength. but this usually only leads to a few quick strikes for either player since you will trade a few blows barely above the ground and then land with your assist backing you up. this doesn't leave you open for too many hyper combos if you lose out, especially since it is in the very beginning of the game. hope this helped... ~jaa~ Posted by BlackShinobi on 07:08:2001 07:53 AM: I use big slow characters alot so of going lk for lk is not the best idea So I usually block low or jump backwards to start the match. Posted by master ken on 07:08:2001 08:20 AM: Well, after reading all of your posts, the safest way to start the match is to either jump backwards or just block and push. If you try to jump forward, your opponent might press down HP and air combo. If you try down lk and you are facing a faster character, like magneto, you will be heat. Am I right or not ? Posted by mixup on 07:08:2001 09:53 AM: like you're getting at, it's all circumstantial(sp?) as to what you should do, some people are definetly faster than others with their's ( i've heard that strider and magneto have the fastest, can anyone verify?) and some people have tactics that can counter those's very well, it's the match-up that really is going to determine how the fight starts, some people who can run will try and do so and some characters who can build meter and trap at the same time will generally try and get it going. you never ever can tell what your opponent is going to do every time, thats why i love these games... Posted by DeathFromAbove on 07:08:2001 10:29 AM: Personally, it depends on the situation. If I have a character with better attack speed/priority, and the opponent's AAA isn't invincible (ahem...Capcom), then I attack them at the start of the match. If I have priority, but the opponent has invincible AAA that comes out sloooooow (ahem...Ken), I do S.LP, throw. If I have priority, but the opponent has a fast, invincible AAA (coughCammycough), I crouchblock, and pushblock. If I am disadvantaged on priority, but have an invincible assist, I jump (which direction depends on character) and call assist. If I am disadvantaged on priority, and have an assist that isn't invincible, I block low, and pushblock. BTW, I asked Duc this question when his thread was going, and his answer was: nothing - just let the opponent take the initiative -DFA Posted by visor2001 on 07:08:2001 12:16 PM: When the fight starts, my oppoent would usually try to get the first hit, a lk whatever. And it's a good punishment to jump back and call the AAA for him. Posted by AshramTI on 07:08:2001 02:15 PM: ken aaa is slow??? right... but anyways, if you jump forward and call out a quick aaa you will hit anyone trying to launcher->combo you, and those aaa's can be really damaging if they hit for the full amount. Posted by master ken on 07:08:2001 03:27 PM: I just wonder, which are the fastest aaa ? psylocke's , ken's ? Posted by bleyl on 07:08:2001 04:03 PM: i jump over my oponent and try to hit them from behind Posted by GeekBoy on 07:08:2001 04:14 PM: I'm always in front of the person, when I hear "FIGHT!", I do, c.LK, c.HP it almost always hits on people mashing and it sometimes catches people off guard, but other times I superjump. Posted by master ken on 07:08:2001 04:19 PM: quote: Originally posted by bleyl i jump over my oponent and try to hit them from behind I tried this before, but if you play against a smart player, he will either do a down + hp and air combo, or jump up and do a little air combo. Posted by Jakuda on 07:08:2001 04:31 PM: quote: Originally posted by master ken I tried this before, but if you play against a smart player, he will either do a down + hp and air combo, or jump up and do a little air combo. Well usually people call an assist while jumping over you, so usually it's just best to jump backwards to keep them in front of you. Posted by Monkey on 07:08:2001 05:21 PM: I have Magneto first, so I approch them, then attack. Posted by master ken on 07:08:2001 05:54 PM: All right, thanks alot for participating in this thread. Posted by Fraggle909 on 07:09:2001 12:25 AM: quote: Originally posted by mixup i've heard that strider and magneto have the fastest, can anyone verify I think Jill might have a faster one but I'm not positive . Posted by fagneto on 07:09:2001 12:41 AM: I basically try to make at least some sort of distance between the two of us at the beginning of the match. I do this by calling helper, then by backing out of the situation while covering my assist's ass at the same friggin' time. I've noticed a lot of top ranking players crouching and waiting. Posted by Dasrik on 07:09:2001 01:22 AM: Just a note: Jabs are almost always quicker than shorts. So if you expect your opponent to do a low short, you can do a low jab and almost always win at the start of the match, if your timing is right. If the low jab is fast enough (talking one frame here), they also CAN beat a jumping attempt. So the safest thing to do is crouch pushblock. Posted by MadjaYcD on 07:09:2001 01:48 AM: What I do if I have magneto/psylocke is before they say "Fight" I start pressing and psylocke assist at the same time on purpose so they can see. Then when they fight I just press and not the assist wait for their assist to call up so I can call my assist to counter. That's usally what I do, that are just sit and block. Posted by RathThentraver on 07:09:2001 04:02 AM: Since I almost always have a Ken, Ryu, Akuma team and I always have Akuma set to Expansion type, I approach them with Ken, pull out Akuma and jump over them, then while Akuma's chipping away from behind, I'll roll back behind them... Sometimes it works and they don't block and I get a free air-combo / super, and sometimes they just block and that's that... Othertimes I'll just attempt a quick low kick combo into a Shoryu Reppa at the beginning of the match... On people that pull out anti-air assists and then try to cross yah up, I wait right until they get over Ken then Shinryu Ken for quick and easy damage to the main & the assist. Posted by master ken on 07:09:2001 11:20 AM: quote: Originally posted by RathThentraver Since I almost always have a Ken, Ryu, Akuma team and I always have Akuma set to Expansion type, I approach them with Ken, pull out Akuma and jump over them, then while Akuma's chipping away from behind, I'll roll back behind them... Sometimes it works and they don't block and I get a free air-combo / super, and sometimes they just block and that's that... Othertimes I'll just attempt a quick low kick combo into a Shoryu Reppa at the beginning of the match... On people that pull out anti-air assists and then try to cross yah up, I wait right until they get over Ken then Shinryu Ken for quick and easy damage to the main & the assist. Look at your PM, I have sent you a message. Posted by Gerjay_2001 on 07:09:2001 11:49 AM: I think that I would use the pushblocking in the beginning. It always leaves me safe and allows me to start the match at a distance giving me many options. Also, if I am playing magneto and decide to there is really only one person I have troubles against. DOOM. I don't know why but his c.lp stops the and a jump in any direction, and leads into a little chipping combo. I hate Doom. Anyways, it's those situations where I usually push block and then go in for the rushdown. Posted by nrkizt on 07:09:2001 01:21 PM: No one has covered what I do yet, though it's very character specific... With Spiral/Capcom, I call Capcom, teleport up and back, summon swords... you know the rest. It's one of the safest ways to start I know of, especially those annoying fagnetos who insist on being close enough to my spiral to smell all six armpits. Posted by AshramTI on 07:09:2001 01:24 PM: the best thing to remember is that whatever you did the first match, do something else the second, even if it is on a different player(since the next challenger was probably watching you play). predictability is a deathwish in MvC2. ~jaa~ Posted by TheMummy on 07:09:2001 02:54 PM: I used to start with ANAKARIS, if my first opponent is Cable, there is a tendency that he will belittle my ANAKARIS so he will approach me up to the corner. After the FIGHT signal, he will be surprised with ANAKARIS combo then lead to aerial wave then Hyper Viper Hordes (Hyper Cobra Blow). It takes of almost 3/4 of Cable's Life!!!! Posted by JaHa on 07:09:2001 07:00 PM: 1st of all u cant AAA right away u have know predict where to block first...but thats one tactic then its also a guessin game jumpin attack or low? but if u think theyre gonna go low certain low attacks cancel other for example BH low jab beats mags low short but psy low jab beats BH im too lazee to write all of em but its a high low guessin game then comes char priority Posted by DarkZero on 07:10:2001 07:07 PM: I like to just jump straight up. If he trys to do a cr. hit, I will either attack them coming down or just block since they like to use their assits a lot. I just jump up and hit them w/ an assist. All times are GMT. The time now is 11:25 PM. Show all 37 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.